Shark Liver Oil

Norwegian Fish Oil® Shark liver oil is extracted from 5 different species of shark.
These species have a very rich content of important marine fatty acids and immune-strengthening substances such as; alkoxyglycerol, squalamine and squalene.
Knowledge about sharks and diseases shows that sharks are rarely affected by serious diseases.
The reasons for the shark's good immune system are believed by researchers to be due to the fact that alkoxyglycerol is natural in the shark's immune system.
Human bone marrow and the breast milk of women naturally contain alkoxyglycerol.
Shark liver oil has for many years been used as a means to improve and strengthen the immune system and protect cells in humans.
The natural fatty acids in Hailever oil contain Omega-3 and vitamin A, which are good for joints, muscles, blood circulation, skin and vision.
Norwegian Fish Oil® Shark liver oil is strongly recommended to strengthen the immune system in both children and adults.
349,00 kr
Quick deliveryFree shipping over NOK 1,000Developed from raw materials from nature

The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements must not replace a varied diet.
Keep out of reach of children.*